Dr Wudong LiuBT PhD StudentConstraint Satisfaction and Optimisation Group School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering University of Essex email: wliu at essex dot ac dot uk Wudong joined the Constraint Satisfaction and Optimisation Group under the BT sponsored Flexible Workforce Management project in October 2006. He was supervised by Professor Qingfu Zhang and Professor Edward Tsang. He passed his viva on 29 November 2010 with minor corrections. He was examined by Dr Ashutosh Tiwari (External Examiner) and Dr Berthold Lausen (Internal Examiner). Wudong's PhD was on multi-Objective Optimization. He invented new optimization methods based on MOEA/D. In many real life problems, evaluation of a candidation solution could be very expensive. For example, the cost of evaluating a new drug could be in millions. Ordinary optimization methods take thousands or hundreds of thousands of evaluations to complete. This makes them impractical for problems with expensive evaluation functions. One of Wudong's major contributions was to invent a method that significantly reduce the number of evaluations in evolutionary computation. During his PhD, Wudong has published high quality papers in prestigeous journals such as IEEE's Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (paper).
Wudong was sponsored by BT