Centre for Computational Finance and Economics
University of Essex

Sponsors: Lykke / ShareScope / Trader Trading Company / OANDA / HSBC

This page contains links to news at the Centre. Please visit our official site for full contents: http://www.essex.ac.uk/ccfea For the University's Chinese website, see 埃塞克斯大学.

The Centre for Computational Finance and Economic Agents (CCFEA) is an innovative, interdisciplinary and laboratory based teaching and research centre. It applies cutting edge computational and evolutionary methods to analyse and simulate markets and to design real time trading and risk management systems. CCFEA hosts advanced workshops and seminars by experts in the area of Computational Finance and Economics. The Centre currently has over 50 Masters and PhD students.

The Centre is the first to offer MSc Computational Finance, MSc High-Frequency Finance and Trading, MSc Financial Software Engineering and PhD Computational Finance in the UK. CCFEA will remain committed to being a pioneer at the leading edge of artificial intelligence based modelling of markets with operationally relevant features. In addition to the pursuit of theoretical aspects of the subject, strong industry links are sought via links to City firms and central banks. A number of CCFEA PhD students have industry internships. CCFEA staff and alumni are currently defining the subject area through research links, publications and invited talks at high profile academic and industry workshops and conferences.

CCFEA MSc class 2016-17 photo

Student testimonials

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Page maintained by Edward Tsang (Director); updated 2018.01.11