Javad Kalantarli
Winners of the ShareScope Prizes 2014

As part of the Industry Expert Lectures BE653 / BE862 / CF968, Tim Clarke, General Manager of ShareScope, gave an Expert Lecture on "How investors evaluate company performance". He also kindly offered two prizes for the best submissions of his Assignment (maximum 3,000 words), one for BE653/BE862 (for EBS students) and one for BE968 (for CCFEA students).

As no CCFEA student attempted the assignment, Tim has agreed to give the CCFEA prize to the best report that summarized his lecture. Shortlist was recommended by the course supervisor and CCEFA Director, Professor Edward Tsang. The Winner was selected by Tim Clarke.


Javad Kalantarli (CCFEA) has won the 2014 Sharescope Prize with this report.

Javad will receive one year's subscription of ShareScope Gold, worth £299.95.

Congratulations to Javad!

Page created by Edward Tsang; updated 2014.07.31