People contributed to The Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization Laboratory

Staff (in chronological order):

Professor Edward Tsang (Academic Staff, Computer Science Department, edward
principal grant holder in the GENET, ACS, CACP; and GLS Projects
Professor Chris Voudouris (Visiting Professor, Ex-PhD student 1994 - 1997,
constraint optimisation, Guided Local Search (Ex-Senior Research Officer in the GENET Project);
now working in British Telecom Research Laboratories, Martlesham, UK
Dr Chang Wang (Ex-academic Staff, Computer Science Department,
grant holder in the GENET Project
currently working in Lehman Brothers, USA
current interest: financial application of Artificial Intelligence
Professor Jim Doran (Ex-Academic Staff, Computer Science Department,
grant holder in the GENET and ACS projects
Dr John Ford (Academic Staff, Computer Science Department,
grant holder in the CACP Project
Dr Paul Scott (Academic Staff, Computer Science Department,
grant holder in the CACP Project
Dr Abdellah Salhi (Academic Staff, Mathematics Department,
research interest: operations research, combinatorial optimisation, evolutionary computation
Professor Qingfu Zhang (Academic Staff, Computer Science Department,
research interest: evolutionary computation, neural networks, optimisation algorithms, computational finance and signal processing

Non-staff Researchers (in alphabetical order):

Ahmad Alhindi (PhD student, 2011-2015)
Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Decomposition with Advanced Local Search Methods, in which he combines MOEA/D with local search methods
Abdullah Alsheddy (PhD student, 2007-2011)
Scheduling and staff empowerment in Flexible Workforce Scheduling
Nathan Barnes (Ex-PhD student, Sponsored by British Telecom)
applying Guided Local Search to vehicle routing and job-shop scheduling
Dr Yossi Borenstein (Senior Research Officer 2007.03- Flexible Workforce Management Project)
Scheduling, optimization, empowerment
Dr James Borrett (Ex-Senior Research Officer and PhD student March 1994-98,
adaptive constraint satisfaction, problem formulation (the ACS Project and CACP Project)
Director of Global Optimum Limited, Casemixer (search tool for mixed cases of wine) and author of Yudoku (a Sudoku puzzle solver and generator).
Richard Bradwell (Ex-Senior Research Officer, CACP Project)
scheduling, heuristic search
James Butler (Ex-PhD Student,
applying Genetic Programming to horse-racing and financial forecasting, computational finance
Dr Andrew Davenport (Ex-PhD student 1992-1997,
constraint satisfaction by iterative repair (the GENET Project);
after his PhD, he worked for Mark Fox's Enterprise Integration Laboratory, University of Toronto and then IBM
Peter Fuelling (Ex-MSc Student,
project Paradigm: a simulator for British Telecom's workforce allocation system (WMS)
Dr Tim Gosling (ex-PhD Student, October 2001 - 2007,
Distributed scheduling, computer-based negotiation (Sponsored by British Telecom)
Nicholas Hewes (ex-PhD student)
Optimisation (the GLS Project)
Hamid Jalalian (PhD student, 2013-2016)
Decomposition evolutionary algorithms for noisy multiobjective optimization, in which he extended MOEA/D to cope with noise. He applied his work to portfolio optimization.
Dr Nanlin Jin (PhD student, October 2002 - October 2006)
Bargaining in computational finance
Shayan Kavakeb (PhD student, 2011-)
Extension of Guided Local Search
Dr Zeynep Kitziltan (Visiting Scholar, August to September 2000)
Algorithms for the Satisfiability problem
Dr Alvin Kwan (Ex-PhD Student 1992-97,
mapping CSPs to algorithms & heuristics (the ACS Project)
Dr Mathias Kern (Ex-PhD Student, June 2000 - 2005,
Dynamic scheduling, stochastic search (Sponsored by British Telecom)
Dr Tung Leng Lau (ex-PhD Student 1995-99,
Genetic Algorithms for constraint optimisation
Dr Jin Li (PhD Student 1996-2000,
Constraints in Genetic Programming (for computational finance)
Wudong Liu (PhD Student 2005-)
Market-based distributed scheduling (Sponsored by British Telecom)
Andy Lunness (Ex-MSc by Research Student)
applying Genetic Algorithms to constraint optimisation
Dr Patrick Mills (Ex-Senior Research Officer and PhD Student)
Algorithms for non-binary constraint satisfaction problems, (the CACP Project)
Dr Hassan Rashidi (PhD Student, October 2002 - April 2006, Visiting Academic, April 2006 -
Transportation Problems
Dr Nazaraf Shah (Senior Research Officer 2007.03- Flexible Workforce Management Project)
Scheduling, optimization, empowerment
Hanyu Shang (ex-MSc Student, Constraint Satisfaction)
Supply Chain Management
Dr Jianyong Sun (Ex-Senior Research Officer, EDA Project)
Evolutionary compuation
Natasha Walsh (Ex-PhD Student 1993-97)
adaptive constraint satisfaction (the ACS Project)
Dr Terry Warwick (Ex-PhD Student 1991-95,
Genetic Algoithms applied to constraint satisfaction;
now working as a consultant
Richard Williams (Ex-Senior Research Officer, CACP Project,
Software engineering, machine discovery
Dr Aimin Zhou (Ex-PhD student, Multi-objective Optimization Project)
optimization, Estimation of Distribution Algorithms, heuristic search
Dr Kangmin Zhu (Ex-Visiting Scholar, GENET Project)

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