David Norman Prize

for CCFEA Research Deliverables

David Norman, owner of The Trader Training Company, has generously sponsored four prizes to support research at the Centre for Computational Finance and Economic Agents (CCFEA). The prizes will be awarded to research deliverables that demonstrate new ideas in computational finance and economics.

What will be awarded?

Each prize carries a cheque of £200 from the sponsor. Prizes will be awarded to:

programs that demonstrate research ideas in CCFEA; and
journal papers that report CCFEA ideas


All students of CCFEA are qualified to apply. This applies to all taught (Master) and research (MSc, MPhil or PhD) students. MSc students in 2009-2010 are eligible to apply too. However, this does not include deliverables from projects for which the student is paid to do.
Each student is eligible to obtain one prize on publication, and one prize on software only.

Time Schedule:

There is no restriction on when the work was done. There is no deadlines for submission. Prizes will be given to the first four (and only four) successful submissions. Therefore, students are encouraged to submit as soon as spoosible.

How to apply?

Applications must be recommended by a CCFEA member of staff. This would typically be the student's supervisor. If the submission is a program, the program must run on the web. If the submission is a paper, it must have been submitted to a journal, and received the first round of reviews. Unpublished papers must be filed as a Technical Report in CCFEA.


Submissions will be assessed by the CCFEA Director in consultation with members of staff. If the submission is a program, the student will be asked to demonstrate it. If the submission is a paper, then a prize will be given to any paper that is accepted by a respectable journal. However, acceptance of the paper is not a necessary condition for receiving this prize. Students may apply for this prize as soon as they get the first set of reviews from the journal. The assessors will judge the paper's chance of being accepted based on those reviews.


Please direct any queries to Edward Tsang, the CCFEA Director (Essex login: edward).
(Please note that he is very poor in managing and answering emails!)


Abdalla Kablan February 2011
Shaimaa Masry April 2011
Alexander Guarin Lopez May 2011
Mateusz Gatkowski June 2012

Page maintained by Edward Tsang; updated 2011.02.09