Overview Papers
Tsang, Wang, Davenport, Voudouris & Lau 1999
TWDVL-G3-Paclp99.ps.zip (109K)
(PDF 156K)
- Tsang, E.P.K., Wang, C.J., Davenport, A., Voudouris, C. & Lau,T.L.,
A family of stochastic methods for constraint satisfaction and optimization,
The First International Conference on
The Practical Application of Constraint Technologies and Logic Programming (PACLP),
London, April 1999, 359-383
(A connectionist model to constraint satisfaction)
Wang & Tsang 1991 WanTsa-Genet-iee1991.pdf (30K)
- Wang, C.J. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Solving constraint satisfaction problems using neural-networks,
Proceedings, IEE Second International Conference on Artificial
Neural Networks, 1991, p.295-299
Tsang & Wang 1992 TsaWan-Genet-Nna1992.pdf (30K)
- Tsang, E.P.K. & Wang, C.J.,
A generic neural network approach for constraint satisfaction problems,
in Taylor, J.G. (ed.), Neural network applications,
Springer-Verlag, 1992, p.12-22
Wang & Tsang 1992 WanTsa-Genet-Vlsi1992.pdf (74K)
- Wang, C.J. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
A cascadable VLSI design for GENET
International Workshop on VLSI for Neural Networks and
Artificial Intelligence, Oxford, 1992
Davenport et al 1994, aaai94.ps.Z (60K)
- Davenport A., Tsang E.P.K., Kangmin Zhu & C J Wang,
GENET: A connectionist architecture for solving
constraint satisfaction problems by iterative improvement,
Proc., AAAI, 1994, p.325-330
Davenport, davenport-cp95.pdf (160K)
- Davenport, A.,
A comparison of complete and incomplete algorithms in the easy and hard regions,
Proceedings, Workshop on Studying and Solving Really Hard Problems,
First International Conference on Principles and Practice of
Constraint Programming, September, 1995, p.43-51
Davenport & Tsang 1995a (PDF 120K)
- Davenport, A. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
An empirical investigation into the exceptionally hard problems,
Proc., Workshop on Constraint-based Reasoning (Constraint-95),
Florida AI Research Symposium, 1995, p.46-53
Davenport & Tsang 1995b (PDF 144K)
- Davenport A. & Tsang E.P.K.,
Solving constraint satisfaction sequencing problems by iterative repair,
Proceeding, 14th UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group Workshop,
Colchester, November, 1995
Davenport 1997
- Davenport, A.,
Extensions and evaluation of GENET in constraint satisfaction,
PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex,
Colchester, UK, July, 1997
Davenport A. & Tsang E.P.K. 1999
DavTsa-SwapGenet-Paclp99.pdf (223K)
- Davenport, A.J. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Solving constraint satisfaction sequencing problems by iterative repair,
The First International Conference on
The Practical Application of Constraint Technologies and Logic Programming (PACLP),
London, April 1999, 345-357
Voudouris & Tsang 1994 CSM-213.pdf (144K)
- Voudouris, C. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
The tunneling algorithm for partial CSPs and combinatorial
optimization problems,
Technical Report CSM-213, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, September, 1994
Voudouris & Tsang 1995 CSM-249.ps.Z (126K)
- Voudouris, C. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Function Optimization using Guided Local Search,
Technical Report CSM-249, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, September, 1995
Voudouris & Tsang 1996 PACT-96 (106K)
- Voudouris, C. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Partial Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Guided Local Search,
Proc., Practical Application of Constraint Technology (PACT'96),
London, April, 1996, 337-356
Voudouris 1997 Voudouris-PhD97-pdf.zip (949K)
- Voudouris, C,
Guided local search for combinatorial optimisation problems,
PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex,
Colchester, UK, July, 1997
Tsang & Voudouris 1997
- Tsang, E.P.K. & Voudouris, C.,
Fast local search and guided local search and
their application to British Telecom's workforce scheduling problem,
Operations Research Letters, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam,
Vol.20, No.3, March 1997, 119-127
- (For an earlier version, see
Technical Report CSM-246 (40K),
Department of Computer Science,
University of Essex, Colchester, UK)
Voudouris & Tsang 1998a
VouTsa-GLSOpt-Dimacs98.pdf (50K)
- Voudouris, C. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Guided local search joins the elite in discrete optimisation,
Proceedings, DIMACS Workshop on Constraint Programming and Large Scale Discrete Optimisation,
Rutgers, New Jersey, USA, September 1998
Voudouris & Tsang 1998b
VouTsa-GLSOpt-Dimacs98.pdf (90K)
- Voudouris, C. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Solving the Radio Link Frequency Assignment Problem using Guided Local Search
Proceedings, NATO Symposium on Radio Length Frequency Assignment, Sharing
and Conservation Systems (Aerospace), Aalborg, Demark, October 1998, Paper 14a
Voudouris 1998
(in pdf format, 278K)
- Voudouris, C.,
Guided Local Search -- An illustrative example in function optimisation,
BT Technology Journal, Vol.16, No.3, July 1998, 46-50
(early version appeared as
CSM-249.ps.Z (126K),
University of Essex, Colchester, UK, August, 1995)
Tsang & Voudouris 1998
TsaVou-GLSOpt-Unicom98.pdf (46K)
- Tsang, E.P.K. & Voudouris, C.,
Constraint satisfaction in discrete optimisation,
Proceedings, UNICOM Seminar on
Constraint Satisfaction and Discrete Optimisation Overview, London, April 1998
Voudouris & Tsang 1999
- Voudouris, C. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Guided Local Search,
European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.113, Issue 2, March 1999, 469-499
(early version appeared as
Technical Report CSM-247,
University of Essex, Colchester, UK, August, 1995)
Mills et al 1998
CSM-321.ps.Z (148K)
- Mills, P., Tsang, E.P.K., Williams, R., Ford, J. & Borrett, J.,
EaCL 1.0: an easy abstract constraint programming language,
Technical Report CSM-321, University of Essex,
Colchester, UK, December, 1998
Mills et al 1999
MTWFB-Eacl15-Csm99-324.ps (148K)
- Mills, P., Tsang, E.P.K., Williams, R., Ford, J. & Borrett, J.,
EaCL 1.5: An Easy abstract Constraint optimisation Programming Language,
echnical Report CSM-324, University of Essex,
olchester, UK, December, 1999
Mills & Tsang 1999
(MilTsa-GlsSat-Asor99.ps, 498K)
- Mills, P. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Guided local search applied to the satisfiability (SAT) problem,
Proceedings, 15th National Conference of the Australian Society for
Operations Research (ASOR'99),
Queensland, Australia, July 1999, 872-883
Mills & Tsang GLSSAT 2000
(early version, MilTsa-Glssat-Sat2000.pdf)
- Mills, P. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Guided local search for solving SAT and weighted MAX-SAT problems,
Journal of Automated Reasoning,
Special Issue on Satisfiability Problems, Kluwer,
Vol.24, 2000, 205-223
Mills, Tsang & Ford, GLSQAP 2003
(early version, MiTsFo-GlsQap-AnOr2002.pdf)
- Mills, P. & Tsang, E.P.K. & Ford, J.,
Applying an Extended Guided Local Search on the Quadratic Assignment Problem,
Annals of Operations Research, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol.118, 2003, 121-135
Mills, PhD 2002 (711K)
- Mills, P., Extensions to Guided Local Search,
PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, 2002
Lau & Tsang 1996 (pdf 59K)
- Lau, T.L. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Applying a mutation-based genetic algorithm to processor configuration problems,
Proc., 8th IEEE Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'96),
Toulouse, France, November 1996
Lau & Tsang 1997
- Lau, T.L. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Solving the processor configuration problem with a mutation-based genetic algorithm,
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT),
World Scientific, Vol.6, No.4, December 1997, 567-585
Lau & Tsang 1998a
- Lau, T.L. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
The guided genetic algorithm and its application to the general assignment problems,
IEEE 10th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'98),
Taiwan, November 1998
Lau & Tsang 1998b
- Lau, T.L. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Solving large processor configuration problems with the guided genetic algorithm,
IEEE 10th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'98),
Taiwan, November 1998
Lau & Tsang 1998c (48K)
- Lau, T.L. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Solving the radio link frequency assignment problem with the guided genetic algorithm,
Proceedings, NATO Symposium on Radio Length Frequency Assignment, Sharing
and Conservation Systems (Aerospace), Aalborg, Demark, October 1998
Lau 1999
- Lau-Gga-PhD99.zip (288K)
Lau-Gga-PhD99.pdf (604K)
- Lau, T.L.,
Guided Genetic Algorithm,
PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex
Lau & Tsang
- Lau, T.L. & Tsang, E.P.K.,
Guided genetic algorithm and its application to radio link frequency assignment problems,
Journal of Constraints, accepted for publication
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Last updated: 4 February 2000