陳佛好 Chan Fat Ho 1930-2024
安息禮拜 Farewell
子女回顧 陳佛好 一生 Tribute to Chan Fat Ho by her children:
in English
媽媽打桌球 Mum playing pool
(YouTube playlist)
非一般的桌球技術 2008 Extraordinary skills at pool, 2008
媽媽打桌球 2009 A game of pool, 2009
曾氏母子桌球邀請賽 2014 A game of pool with her children, 2014 (aged 84)
國際母子桌球邀請賽 2016.11 香港站 November 2016 (aged 86), Hong Kong
國際母子桌球邀請賽 2016.12 澳門站 December 2016 (aged 86), Macau
三代桌球邀請賽 2018 Three generations at pool at the age of 88, 2018
九十三歲摩力橋獻技 Rummikub master class at the age of 93
Photo Gallery to be built
曾日中 陳佛好 資料
This page was created and maintained by
Edward Tsang
; Last update: 2024.07.18 19:56